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- ParaNet File Number: 00040
- DATE OF UPLOAD: November 22, 1989
- CONTRIBUTED BY: Robert B. Klinn, ParaNet Director of
- Investigations/Research
- ========================================================
- Theoretical physicist Robert Lazar and his friend, Las Vegas realtor, Gene
- Huff -- in-studio guests on "Billy Goodman's Happening" live talk
- show, KVEG 840-AM Radio, 10:00 p.m. 11/21/89 until 1:00 a.m.
- 11/22/89 -- answered questions for three hours.
- These notes were compiled from 10:20 p.m., thus missing 20 minutes
- (10:00 - 10:20 p.m.) of the three-hour program.
- Lazar says he is tired.
- 1. Lazar's Purpose In Going On-Air:
- Although Lazar's main stated purpose in appearing on the broadcast is to
- protect himself, caller Bill Cooper says one of Lazar's motives is
- anger -- previously expressed privately to Cooper -- that billions of
- dollars are needlessly wasted in the normal U.S. sectors by those without
- access to this alien technology. Lazar agrees.
- Lazar says another reason for his appearing is to correct incorrect
- information he had heard on previous broadcasts.
- Billy Goodman says Lazar's, Bill Cooper's, and John Lear's lives are on
- the line and that Lazar's best protection is the media, which is keeping
- Lazar alive.
- Lazar hopes "other people out there" working at S-4 will loosen up, come
- forward, and join with him to present their information as one, as a
- group. He doesn't want to be "the lone ranger."
- Congressional amnesty -- suggested by a caller -- would be nice, says
- Lazar, but merely offers freedom from prosecution. By coming forward,
- he concedes, the other S-4 workers have everything to lose and nothing
- to gain.
- But Huff says there has to be a moral guideline where national security
- has to hang in the balance and that the reporting of the existence of
- alien spaceships is where you draw the line.
- Caller Bill Cooper says there is "a higher value" that those at S-4
- should consider as a reason for coming forward to join Lazar.
- But Lazar makes a point of distinguishing his whole view of the UFO
- situation from that of John Lear or Bill Cooper.
- 2. Verification of Lazar's Background:
- Lazar says he worked at S-4 -- a "restrained military environment"
- in Nevada -- from 12/88 to 4/89.
- In response to callers who want independently to check up on Lazar,
- he says his "colorful" background has already been checked by George
- Knapp of KLAS-TV, who had traveled to Los Alamos Laboratories and
- had spoken to former Lazar colleagues, who confirmed he really had
- worked there -- in spite of Los Alamos itself denying the fact of
- Lazar's employment with them. (Knapp's UFO broadcast displayed a
- page from a 1982 Los Alamos Labs internal phone book, listing Robert
- Lazar.)
- Caller Bill Cooper, who says he has talked to Lazar for over a year,
- says that by talking to persons at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and at
- another facility, he and associates have confirmed Lazar's previous
- work in physics at the places Lazar specified. Lazar replied he was not
- aware of this checking done by Cooper.
- Responding to an "investigator" caller wanting Lazar to give him private
- info in order to check him out, Lazar says Lazar himself once took a
- correspondence course to be a private "investigator."
- Lazar says he has 25 people each wanting independently to check him out,
- but he will not allow that.
- Although Lazar admits he was paid by check, he refuses to discuss anything
- about the check stubs.
- 3. Lazar's Clearance Level:
- He says neither REECO (Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Co., Inc.) nor
- EG&G -- each a well-known U.S. Department of Energy Test Site
- contractor -- has people at S-4, that those persons' clearances are at
- most Q-Clearances, while his own clearance is "38 levels above Q-Clearance."
- The closest to S-4 that REECO or EG&G people physically get, he says,
- is Area 51.
- 4. Threats Made to Lazar/Lazar Shot At?
- When Goodman refers to Lazar's telling him before the broadcast that
- Lazar had been shot at, Lazar says he doesn't want to talk about it.
- Lazar says he was called to go back to work but officially refused
- because he didn't like the idea of returning to that isolated place
- in the desert where they could do what they wanted to him.
- However, he says his clearance has not been revoked.
- Lazar says the executive powers at S-4 have run amok and there are no
- checks and balances. Congress, he says, has no knowledge of all this.
- Lazar says there are no lengths to which the military will not go to
- conceal this information.
- 5. Mind Control Suspicions:
- He contacted hypnotherapist Layne Keck of Serenus Clinical Hypnosis in
- Las Vegas because there were a couple of days where Lazar remembered
- only going out in a plane and coming back, but nothing in between.
- He suspected mind control had been performed on him.
- Lazar purposely selected Serenus because it had nothing to do with UFOs.
- [A Las Vegas Yellow Pages ad says:
- Serenus Clinical Hypnosis
- Helen Baucum
- 30 years Experience
- "Pin-Point" Method
- Children Our Specialty
- Weight Control, Stuttering, Bed Wetting, Nervous Tensions, Smoking,
- Drinking, Memory Retention
- 384-4420
- 1833 W. Charleston (across from S. Nevada Memorial Hosp.)]
- Under hypnosis, Lazar recalled intense drilling, threatening actions
- taken against him, and his drinking of "pine," which his hypnotherapist
- said was similar to the "Orion [sp?] Method" of regimented hypnosis used
- by the military.
- Per Huff, Lazar was given drugs and hypnosis by his employers -- not so
- he would forget what he was working on, but so -- by their imprinting
- his subconscious -- he would be afraid to talk.
- Per Huff, after first telling Lazar his phone was tapped, the military
- later threatened him because, having monitored his phone, they knew he
- was planning to release information about the alien craft. Huff says
- the military were amazed that the drugs and hypnosis had not worked.
- Although he is afraid, Lazar hopes they won't come after him now since he
- has already talked.
- 6. Location of the Saucers:
- Lazar says the nine saucers are not at the supersecret Area 51
- (Groom Lake) of the U.S. government's Nevada Test Site, but at S-4 --
- 10 miles south of Area 51. The disks are only at this one place.
- However, to go to work, Lazar flew (by plane) to Groom Lake, waited a
- short time at a cafe, then got on a bus [with blacked-out windows,
- per Lazar's Knapp-series statements].
- Lazar says he knows someone who drills tunnels at the Test Site, but
- no mention is made that this individual also works at S-4.
- 7. Bad Aliens Killed S-4 Workers:
- Lazar says the aliens are not benevolent.
- Some humans were killed in a conflict after a U.S. military
- intelligence power play, after which point a previously ongoing
- information exchange ended.
- Huff says Lazar earlier told him -- and Lazar agrees he had said this --
- that this exchange of information occurred between the aliens and
- human scientists/human security personnel [at S-4?].
- But although the aliens had allowed themselves to be under constant
- human guard, the aliens had insisted there be no bullets in the guns
- worn by the security people. [Bullets may have been a symbol covering
- all loaded weapons.]
- The security people ignored that demand, and they all died from head
- wounds -- which left no evidence of how they had died.
- The aliens even killed the scientists they were teaching.
- [On Knapp's broadcast last week, Lazar said he was told he was one of
- the replacements:
- George Knapp:
- The dangers associated with 115 [the alien element] and anti-matter may
- be the reason Lazar was hired to work at S-4. There was an accident,
- he says, back in April 1987, an accident that was passed off as an
- unannounced nuclear test.
- Robert Lazar:
- Some people got killed. I was told flat out I was one of the people
- that were to replace these guys.]
- Responding to a caller, Lazar says talking about aliens is NOT a touchy
- subject for him. Aliens exist, he says.
- [Lear, in an earlier On the Record KLAS-TV broadcast, says Lazar saw
- aliens.]
- 8. Time of Saucer Test Flights:
- The tests of the saucers at S-4 are Wednesday nights.
- Lazar says he was fired because he showed people where and when these
- tests were performed.
- 9. Who Pilots the Test Flights?
- Lazar says the experimental UFO flights at S-4 are flown either by
- remote control or by human pilots -- not by the aliens.
- 10. Origin of the Saucers at S-4:
- The alien vehicles Lazar saw up close in hangars come from
- "another world: "the fourth planet out from Zeta Reticulum II [sp?],
- a binary system." [Same as on Betty Hill's map?]
- 11. Description of the Saucers:
- He says he touched one of the nine UFOs and even stood in its doorway.
- He says the saucers mostly appeared "like new" -- one of them looking
- like the Billy Meier saucer.
- [On George Knapp's recent series "UFOs: The Best Evidence" (KLAS-TV,
- Las Vegas), Lazar says one of the saucers "looked like it was hit
- with some sort of a projectile. It had a large hole in the bottom and
- a large hole in the top with the metal bent out like some sort of,
- you know, large caliber 4- or 5-inch had gone through it."]
- The inside of one craft appears made of wax and then cooled off,
- all like a cast or mold of one thing with no rough edges.
- Inside were small chairs, one or one and one-half feet, as though
- made for little kids.
- (Compare with George Knapp's new Roswell witness who said on Knapp's
- nine-segment broadcast that a Roswell funeral home worker had told him
- the military had purchased all of the "baby or youth caskets" in stock
- for the purpose of holding the Roswell aliens.)
- 12. Nine S-4 Saucers Extraterrestrial -- Not Earthly:
- The nine disks he saw up close -- including the one he worked on --
- were not earthly and were definitely extraterrestrial.
- Lazar can't say whether or not the other disks he saw at a distance
- during testing [seen on video presented in George Knapp's broadcasts]
- are man-made or extraterrestrial.
- 13. Physics of the Saucers at S-4:
- Lazar says the vehicle attaches itself to a distorted portion of
- space-time and returns with the distortion. It's a new physics.
- The vehicles brought a space-time warp with them.
- Lazar says the propulsion technology should properly remain
- classified, since everything there is looked at from a weapons
- point of view. A lot is directly applicable to weapons systems, and he
- has no intention of releasing it, he says.
- But he says the craft uses gravity as a lens and the power source is
- an anti-matter reactor.
- Two Modes of Travel for Saucers at S-4:
- 1) When traveling around the surface of the planet, the vehicles balance
- on a gravity wave or ride a wave like a cork on the ocean. In this
- mode they are unstable and are affected by the weather.
- 2) For space travel, they use gravity generators. But if they fly
- around the surface of Earth using this mode, they may flip over, a
- phenomenon Lazar says has frequently been observed in past sightings
- in the published UFO literature.
- Two gravities: A & B.
- Gravity A works on an atomic scale whose interaction is small and has
- to do with fuel -- the alien Element 115 used for the disks.
- Gravity B works on a macro scale.
- The gravitational field is OUT OF PHASE with [unknown ?] and is like
- a wave generator. It is LONGITUDINAL generation -- not spherical, as
- a caller suggested.
- 14. Project Aurora:
- "Aurora," says Lazar, distinguishing it from any UFOs, is the
- replacement for the SR-71 plane. It uses a three-mile runway and
- makes a sound like continuous explosions. It has speeds up to Mach 10.
- 15. No Alien Cattle Mutilations?
- As far as HE knows, Lazar says, there is no alien UFO tie-in with
- cattle mutilations.
- 16. Few Abductees?
- More persons claim to be abductees than have actually been abducted,
- suggests Lazar.
- 17. No Blue Diamond Entry Way for Saucers:
- Notwithstanding UFO watchers congregating at Blue Diamond, Lazar says
- there is only a gravity anomaly around Blue Diamond, not an entry way
- for saucers into our universe.
- 18. Other Physics Comments By Lazar:
- Time travel:
- GRAVITY affects time. Moving FORWARD in time is "a breeze": All you
- need do is get close to a gravitational field.
- Moving back in time MIGHT also be possible.
- Some physicists today, says Lazar, invoke superstring theories to simply
- add another dimension to the universe whenever they can't explain something.
- Referring to laser fusion experiments as "stupid," Lazar refers to a
- location where they have been conducted.
- Lazar also speaks of a process of squeezing plutonium.
- In response to a caller's question, Lazar says M-42 is a galaxy.
- 19. Lazar says George Knapp's two-hour program on KLAS-TV,
- Channel 8 in Las Vegas, this Saturday, 11/25/89, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.,
- will contain "much more information" than Knapp's recent nine-part,
- two-hour UFO broadcasts last week.
- =================================================================